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Expert Sewer Cleaning & Repairs

Prime Time Plumbing is your trusted plumber for all sewer cleaning and repairs. Our team of experts are professional, knowledgeable, and reliable. You can count on us to get the job done efficiently and with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Don’t let the stress of sewer cleaning and repairs get in the way of your daily routine. Call Prime Time Plumbing today for a hassle-free appointment! 

Sewer Cleaning

One way to prevent the need for a sewer repair is to get your sewer lines cleaned. Cleaning will eliminate the chances of buildups and clogs that can prevent water and waste from flowing through. If you want to avoid dealing with problems down the road, stay proactive with sewer line cleaning!

Is It Time to Get Your Sewer Cleaned?

If you are unsure if you need to get your sewer cleaned, here are a few things to look out for that can clearly indicate that you will need this service. 

Standing Water In Your Shower or Sink

 Water coming from your shower or bathtub drain after you flush the toilet is a sign of a buildup or blockage in your sewer line. You may also experience overflowing tubs and toilets when using your washing machine. If you are experiencing any of these, contact Prime Time Plumbing to get it fixed.

Foul Odors From the Drain

Sewer odors coming from your drains, toilets, or backyard can be a sign that there is a buildup of waste and debris in your sewer line. 

Slow Flushing

 If your toilet, sink, or shower drains slowly, this can be a sign that there is a buildup in your sewer line that will need to be cleaned. 

Gurgling Sounds

 If you hear a strange gurgling or bubbling noise from your toilet or drains, it can mean that air is trapped in your sewer line and needs to be cleaned and cleared. 

Constant Clogs

 If you are constantly getting clogs in your drains and sinks, this can be a sign of a blockage in your sewer line. Getting this cleaned and cleared will stop the consistent clogs. 

Standing Water In Your Shower or Sink

 Water coming from your shower or bathtub drain after you flush the toilet is a sign of a buildup or blockage in your sewer line. You may also experience overflowing tubs and toilets when using your washing machine. If you are experiencing any of these, contact Prime Time Plumbing to get it fixed.

Foul Odors From the Drain

Sewer odors coming from your drains, toilets, or backyard can be a sign that there is a buildup of waste and debris in your sewer line. 

Slow Flushing

 If your toilet, sink, or shower drains slowly, this can be a sign that there is a buildup in your sewer line that will need to be cleaned. 

Gurgling Sounds

 If you hear a strange gurgling or bubbling noise from your toilet or drains, it can mean that air is trapped in your sewer line and needs to be cleaned and cleared. 

Constant Clogs

 If you are constantly getting clogs in your drains and sinks, this can be a sign of a blockage in your sewer line. Getting this cleaned and cleared will stop the consistent clogs. 

Benefits of Sewer Cleaning

Getting your sewer cleaned has plenty of benefits. From no more foul odors to an increase in longevity, taking proactive steps will allow you to rest assured that your sewer lines will not cause further issues. Want to know more benefits? Here is a list of a few you can expect. 

  • Prevent future blockages 
  • Reduce health risks 
  • Reduced water usage
  • Save money 
  • No more foul odors 
  • Improves drainage 
  • Increased longevity
  • Quiet pipes 

If you want to schedule a sewer cleaning today, call Prime Time Plumbing!

Sewer Repairs

In some cases, cleaning your sewer line will not be enough to fix the issue. Instead, you will need to get it repaired. Just like your car or any other appliance in your home, if an issue comes up, going with a repair first will be more cost-effective rather than letting the problem prolong, leading to an expensive replacement. Want to know if you need to get your sewer repaired? Here is a list of things to look out for. 

Signs You Need Your Sewer Repaired

Unexpected Guests

 A sudden spike of rodents, insects, and other pests can raise concerns. If you have not experienced this before, it can mean that there is a leak in your sewer line that needs to be repaired. Insects and pests are attracted to sewer water because it provides a perfect environment for them to survive, giving them substance to consume and a place to reproduce. Don't let them live rent-free; call Prime Time Plumbing today to get this issue fixed!

Higher Water Bills

 If you have kept your daily routine the same but have noticed that your water bill is higher than usual, this can mean that there is a crack or leak in your sewer line. Get this repaired to prevent excess water consumption. 

Wet Spots in Your Yard

 Wet spots in your yard, accompanied by a sewer-like smell, can indicate that there is a leak in your sewer line that is impacting your yard. 

Water Levels

 If the water levels in your toilet are inconsistent, this can be a sign that your sewer line is damaged and needs to be repaired. 

Unexpected Guests

 A sudden spike of rodents, insects, and other pests can raise concerns. If you have not experienced this before, it can mean that there is a leak in your sewer line that needs to be repaired. Insects and pests are attracted to sewer water because it provides a perfect environment for them to survive, giving them substance to consume and a place to reproduce. Don’t let them live rent-free; call Prime Time Plumbing today to get this issue fixed!

Higher Water Bills

 If you have kept your daily routine the same but have noticed that your water bill is higher than usual, this can mean that there is a crack or leak in your sewer line. Get this repaired to prevent excess water consumption. 

Wet Spots in Your Yards

 Wet spots in your yard, accompanied by a sewer-like smell, can indicate that there is a leak in your sewer line that is impacting your yard. 

Water Levels

 If the water levels in your toilet are inconsistent, this can be a sign that your sewer line is damaged and needs to be repaired. 

Benefits of Sewer Repairs

Getting your sewer line repaired can be a time consuming and pricey task. However, there are a lot of long-term benefits to these repairs. Some of those benefits are:

Getting your sewer line repaired can be a time consuming and pricey task. However, there are a lot of long-term benefits to these repairs. Some of those benefits are:

  • Improved drainage 
  • No more foul odors 
  • No more unexpected rodents or pests 
  • Prevents larger problems from arising 
  • Minimizes disruptions at home 
  • Reduces health risks 
  • Improves property value 
  • Improves environmental impact 

If you know that you need to get your sewer line repaired, do not hesitate to call!

Professional Sewer Cleaning and Repairs

Call Prime Time Plumbing today and let us handle the dirty work with expertise and precision, restoring your sewer system to optimal functionality. With Prime Time Plumbing, you can have peace of mind knowing that your sewer cleaning and repairs are in the hands of skilled professionals who prioritize your satisfaction. Don’t endure the inconvenience and potential hazards of untreated sewage issues any longer. Contact Prime Time Plumbing now and experience reliable service that exceeds your expectations.

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